Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sneha Veedu - A cliched feel good movie

As usual cross-posting my FK review. Delayed by two weeks I guess! :-)

Theatre: Innovative Multiplex, Bangalore
Show: 10 PM, 30-Sep-2011
Status: 90%+ in balcony, first class status unsure. Quite healthy I think.

A beautiful village with all the village clichés set in place. The hero nostalgic about the village. A mother who has raised her son against all the odds. Lovely human beings all around. Typical Sathyan fare yet again. This setting, though unreal, is good to watch. If a typical city brat like me got tickled with the feeling of nostalgia, then it would be a rush for Sathyan's target audience. But the usual problem haunts yet again. Lack of credible writing.

The first half is quite enjoyable. A terrific performance from Mohanlal. A good performance from Sheela where she does not go too loud. Most of the comedies work out quite well. Not the kind of comedy where you laugh out loud and hurt your belly, but the ones which induce a smile and an occassional chuckle.

Cometh second half and cometh the devil. Sathyan has no idea how to go about the business. The story cruises along aimlessly and eventually runs out of gas. A better writer would have been able make the movie interesting with the same story line. The ending and second half should appeal to a family audience, but not for others.

The biggest positive by far in the movie is Mohanlal. His comic timing is impeccable. Self-referential humour was a riot. The exercise sequence with Biju Menon was hilarious.

Songs were a let down. Most of all them sounded alike. Sathyan should have got rid of Ilayaraja and got somebody new. Camera was adequate, but frames could have looked better.

Still, the movie is pretty harmless unlike other comic capers we are subjected to. Clichéd to be sure, but it never makes you want to hit the exit.

TL;DR: Snehaveedu is a typical family movie pulled down by weak writing and propped by a good performance from Mohanlal.

Rating: Decent to Good.

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